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Customer Information Text


  1. Notification

This privacy notice has been prepared for Kalif Architecture Engineering Project Construction Production Import Export and Trade Ltd. (“KAL?F DESIGN” or “COMPANY”), the data controller, to process the personal data of members/visitors who place orders through the company's website, mobile applications, and social media accounts, as well as customers who visit Kalif Design stores and make purchases, in accordance with the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data (“Law”) and other relevant legislation. The purpose of this privacy notice is to ensure that the activities carried out by the Company comply with the principles set forth in the Personal Data Protection Law and to improve them accordingly.

  1. Processed Personal Data and Collection Methods

Your personal data is collected partially or completely through verbal statements or documents provided at our stores, transactions performed as a member or non-member through the website, mobile application, e-mail, social media, and other communication channels during mutual communication, and through information and documents provided to us. These data collection methods may involve automatic or non-automatic processes, including being part of any data recording system.


Data Category

Processed Data

Identity Data

Name Surname, TCKN (Turkish ID Number), Individual/Company Information, Tax Number and Office

Contact Data

Phone Number, Email Address, Address

Financial Information

Bank and IBAN Information

Transaction Security Data

Website Login-Logout Information, Username and Password, IP Information

Customer Transaction Data

Invoice Information, Payment Information, Order Information

Marketing Data

Purchase History Information, Cookie Records


  1. Legal Grounds and Purposes of Processing Personal Data

Your personal data may be processed by Kalif Design in accordance with the purposes and legal grounds listed below. In case of any changes in the purpose of processing your personal data, separate consent will be obtained from you.

Legal Grounds

Your personal data processed within the scope of activities carried out by our company;

  • Mandatory obtaining explicit consent for data processing (Article 5/1 of the KVKK)
  • Explicitly stipulated in the laws (Article 5/2-a of the KVKK)
  • Necessity of processing personal data of the parties to a contract, provided that it is directly related to the establishment or performance of a contract (Article 5/2-c of the KVKK)
  • Necessity for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligations (Article 5/2-ç of the KVKK)
  • Necessity of processing data for the legitimate interests of the data controller, provided that it does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject (Article 5/2-f of the KVKK)

the conditions for data processing are carried out in accordance with the following purposes, as required by the relevant legal regulations such as the Law on Regulation of Electronic Commerce No. 6563, Regulation on Commercial Communication and Commercial Electronic Messages, Law No. 6502 on Protection of the Consumer, Law No. 213 on Tax Procedure Law, Tax Procedure Law General Communiqué, and other relevant legislation.


  • Fulfillment of legal obligations arising from the Law No. 6563 on the Regulation of Electronic Commerce, Regulation on Commercial Communication and Commercial Electronic Messages, Law No. 6502 on Protection of the Consumer, Law No. 213 on Tax Procedure Law, Tax Procedure Law General Communiqué, and other relevant legislation,
  • Execution of shopping transactions,
  • Execution of membership transactions,
  • Providing access to your shopping history,
  • Evaluation of your requests,
  • Execution of contract processes,
  • Sending e-invoices/e-archive invoices related to your purchases,
  • Preparation of invoices and, in some cases, current account and reconciliation transactions,
  • Fulfillment of obligations within the scope of the relevant legislation in case of purchasing certain products above a certain amount or subject to explicit regulation,
  • Collection of payment if you prefer to pay by credit card,
  • Execution of post-sales operational transactions,
  • Execution of post-sales support services,
  • Delivery of the purchased products to you via cargo,
  • Execution of product return and refund processes,
  • Conducting general or personalized campaigns, advantages, promotions, advertisements, informative activities, and marketing activities, and commercial communication activities (SMS, e-mail, etc.) directed to you if you give your consent for commercial communication,
  • Resolution of your problems, complaints, and requests communicated to us through our communication channels (phone, e-mail, website, mobile application, social media, etc.), and contacting you if necessary,
  • Improvement of user experiences on the website and mobile application, and obtaining technical consultancy accordingly,
  • Exercise of all kinds of rights such as filing lawsuits, responses, and objections against official institutions and organizations such as courts, enforcement offices, arbitration boards in case of disputes, and conducting negotiation and agreement processes related to disputes,
  • Tracking and management of legal processes and lawsuits,
  • Contribution to security, investigation, and examination processes as evidence,
  • Conducting activities in compliance with regulations,
  • Providing information to authorized individuals, institutions, and organizations.


  1. Transfer of Personal Data and Purposes of Transfer

Your personal data processed within the scope of our activities may be transferred domestically, limited to personal data required for the transaction, to; 

  • Authorized institutions and organizations and legal entities for fulfilling obligations arising from legislation, providing information and documents, and making legal notifications,
  • Financial advisors and judicial authorities for the use of our legal rights,
  • ?leti Yönetim Sistemi A.?. for records related to commercial communication,
  • Our company partners and service providers for receiving support in areas such as website hosting services, improvement of user experiences on the website and mobile applications, information technologies, marketing/advertising/analysis activities, operational services, payment services, or expert consultancy,
  • Payment institutions and competent authorities in necessary cases for the detection of suspicious transactions and prevention of unlawful transactions for the purposes of detecting suspicious transactions and preventing unlawful transactions.

Your personal data processed within the scope of our activities are not transferred abroad by us. We would like to remind you that when you communicate with Kalif Design through social media accounts or place orders, the servers of the relevant social media platforms may be located abroad.

  1. Ensuring the Security and Confidentiality of Personal Data

Our company takes all necessary technical and administrative measures to ensure the appropriate level of security to prevent the unlawful processing and access of personal data it processes, in accordance with Article 12 of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data (KVKK). In case personal data processed by our company is obtained by others through unlawful means, our company will promptly notify the Personal Data Protection Board and the relevant individual.

  1. Deletion, Destruction, and Anonymization of Personal Data

In accordance with Article 7 of the KVKK, even if personal data has been processed in compliance with relevant legislation, if the reasons requiring its processing cease to exist, personal data is destroyed by our company, either ex officio or upon request of the data subject, in accordance with our retention and destruction policy prepared in compliance with the KVKK.

  1. Rights of the Data Subject

In accordance with Article 11 of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data (KVKK), you may apply to our institution to request the following regarding your personal data:

  1. Learn whether your personal data is being processed,
  2. Request information if your personal data has been processed,
  3. Learn the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used for their purpose,
  4. Learn the third parties to whom your personal data is transferred domestically or abroad,
  5. Request correction if your personal data is incomplete or inaccurately processed, and request that the correction be notified to the third parties to whom your personal data has been transferred,
  6. Request the deletion, destruction, or anonymization of your personal data if the reasons requiring their processing cease to exist, and request that such action be notified to the third parties to whom your personal data has been transferred,
  7. Object to the occurrence of a result against you as a result of analyzing your processed data exclusively through automated systems,
  8. Demand compensation if you suffer damage due to the unlawful processing of your personal data.

Data subjects can submit their applications and requests within the scope of the law by filling out the "Application Form Regarding the Law on the Protection of Personal Data" available at the "" website in Turkish, together with their identity, either in person or through a notary, to the address Gülsuyu, Kelebek Sk. NO:6, 34848 Maltepe/?stanbul, or by sending it to using the email address previously notified and registered in our system. Our company will conclude the application requests in accordance with Article 13 of the Law, depending on the nature of the request, and within 30 (thirty) days at the latest, free of charge. In case the request is rejected, the reasons for rejection will be notified in writing or electronically with their justifications. If the process requires a cost for "our company," a fee may be charged according to the tariff determined in the "Regulation on Application Procedures and Principles to the Data Controller." This Information Notice may be revised by KALIF DESIGN when deemed necessary. In cases of revision, you will be informed accordingly.